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HyperChange Events ™ are exciting, informative and help attendees to make important decisions.

On 8/8/2023, from 8 AM to 5 PM, Oviture will present a HyperChange Event ™ event focused on Idaho Innovation in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. The event will be held in the Main Auditorium at St. Luke's on Parkcenter. This event leads up to the Idaho Innovation Week 2023 in September. More information will follow shortly. Please save the date!

In late September as part of the Idaho Innovation Week 2023, DMAC Enterprises and Oviture will co-produce an event focusing on the Future of Sports in Idaho. David McKinzie, DMAC ENT / Founder and CEO and Oviture's CEO Mark Cofano, will leverage Idaho's proven success as an innovative state. In particular, the success of Boise State University as a nationally recognized innovator, will give guidance and create visions on how sports will evolve in Idaho and elsewhere.

"The Future of Sports... a day of discovery in Innovative Idaho. Join players, fans, and experts, as they rediscover the most powerful medicine we have for a healthy body, environment, and society! Play YOUR best game. Watch, earn, share, and celebrate!"

From September 25th to September 27th, the Chamber of Commerce in Meridian and Oviture will co-produce an event that focuses on a rapidly evolving Idaho Future. HyperChange, the reality of Idahoans facing an overwhelming amount of change in the next 10 years, will be explored in multiple events over a three-day period.

The Meridian Chamber is committed to helping its members with great education!

-- Chamber events will be in-person and online
-- Chamber events will follow a schedule to be announced shortly.

Members that wish to showcase their innovations may also produce events!

-- Oviture will provide free and paid solutions to list events, find attendees, etc.
-- Members may discover other events in Meridian and in other locations by searching the Innovation Week website.

All in-person and online guests will be better prepared to survive and thrive HyperChange. They will come away with practical solutions that offer real value.

Please save dates between 9/25 and 9/27/2023 for Meridian Chamber Innovation Week events!

Please check back soon for more information.

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© 2018 - 2025 , Oviture LLC. All rights reserved, worldwide. Some content © its respective owner.

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